Wednesday, April 08, 2009


mother nature is such a tease. the past three days were the most glorious and beautiful. sun was shining, breeze was blowing, it was perfection in that first truly spring day. then, the clouds started to blow in last night. it got chillier. i see people out on walks with hoods pulled up and coats buttoned to the top.

well, perhaps it will make what work we may be getting ourselves into later today a little easier (you know, it won't be too warm for the hard labor we may be doing). we're hitting the rebuilding center to check out what materials we can use to build the vegetable plots up a bit. not too high, but high enough to let the dog know that it's not okay to walk in the area. while she's not stomping through the planted beds, she is zipping through the ones we've not planted yet. plus the soil is washing away, because currently we've got mounded plots.

i am not sure what we'll find at the rebuilding center, but i best get to measuring the plots to figure out things once we are there.

mother nature, one more day wouldn't have killed you.


Natalie said...

But at least it isn't raining today. :P

Unknown said...

Today is kind of a hybrid up here, but yeah, the sun was really nice this weekend.

Jack K. said...

We had that one warm, wonderful day where we worked in the yard. Then the next day it got cool and by evening it was raining.

We were lulled to sleep by the sound of thunder that was not too far away.

This morning it is still raining that light rain that will soak in and make everything green and glorious when the sun comes out again.

Ain't life grand?

Love ya,
