Thursday, January 17, 2008

today we paint

Well, we are one step closer to having the lounge done. We painted today. Plateau from Ralph Lauren. We did walls, ceiling and trim. I dislike painting trim. There are a few spots that need a touch up, but other than that the painting is done.

So what is left in this room, you ask?

  • Hang a large piece of dark wood on the wall and then hang Kev's electric guitar on it
  • Hang pictures on the wall above the sofa
  • Get a new desk and chair
  • Buy a nice trash can
  • Debate if we will stain the doors dark (closet door and door into room)
I'm feeling really great about this space. It is warmer now that the walls aren't stark white anymore. It still fees like a room we paid someone to come in and create. Yet, I did. I adore that fact.


k said...

I demand photo proof! You're killin me here!


Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

I'm glad the room turned out. It sounds great!