Monday, July 17, 2006

the correction of color

Wow, what a thrilling day I'm having today. It's a day off, but because I played hooky on Thursday last week I decided to do the right thing and work on my works website today. I've updated one brand (although it has yet to show my changes...lovely freemerchant taking its sweet time) and decided to work on color corrections for another part of our catalog. It's almost as fun as watching paint dry. Don't get me wrong, I loves to do this part...but I'm almost thinking I might take a nap and come back to it in a bit. Each one can take a minute to maybe three, which isn't that much...except when you have at least 60 images to do, then time creeps up on you and before you know it, the day is over.

So here is a taste of my day, thus far (I started shortly after Kev went to work with only a few breaks for ironing his shirts, working on laundry, making and eating lunch, and chatting a little bit with friends).



I swear, we had a great weekend, but nothing exciting to write about. We're lame, so sue.

Yeah, the Sleep Dragons are circling my head. I'm out.


Jack K. said...

Damn, that's good.

I am impressed with the change in the color.

You do good work!



bronxbt said...

impressed as always with yer photoshoppy goodness.

well done, and keep up the good works!

~B & mr puddins