Monday, July 17, 2006

cat for sale

must be a person who is understanding of the fact that this particular cat is an annoying son of a...

no, he's not really for sale (or for free even), but he IS driving me bananas! it's 15 minutes until dinner and he has started the whole song and dance of "I'M DYING WOMAN, JUST FEED ME SOME DAMN FOOD."

all the while i'm being a horrible mother and working more on color corrections. this is my favorite (and most impressive) so far today.




Jack K. said...

You are getting better and better at this color correction thing.

As for Simon, you may be staff, but you are bigger than he is.

Feed him at the regular time. If he can't control his appetite any better than that too bad. LMAO

Love ya,


PS: thank goodness they have wifi in the waiting room.

bronxbt said...

you are so funny.
mr puddins specializes in "meOWRing" just loud enough to cause internal rupturing in humans. plus, you'd be amazed at how spry he can be.. darting in front of you jes' in time for a drive-by rub hard enuf to make you fall over.... ALL cuz the thunderbutt needs his food.

oi vey,
how 'bout we trade?
