Sunday, July 02, 2006

at night, it smells like rain

The smell of the air right before it rains is probably one of my most favorite of scents. Crisp and clean. It invigorates with each breath you take. It only lasts a short while, until those first few drops hit the ground. And then it is gone.

One thing I have noticed this summer is that the night air, when it's finally cooling off, smells like rain.

I am reminded why we moved to this part of the country. However, it's the spring and summer rains that have the scent of life. The rains that come during the fall and winter descend upon the decay of the leaves from the trees, leaving the air to smell not of life and of hope, but of the promise...

What is to come.


Adrianne said...

I love the smell of the air when it is full of the promise of rain. Here it is the promise and not always is that promise fulfilled.

Jack K. said...

It bodes well that you can detect the promise.

How sad it would be if we could never recognize the promise of better things to come.


bronxbt said...

mix that smell with the happy burblings of our expanded koi pond, and quite honestly, i can't tell in the AM if it's raining or not when we wake up.

kinda funny.

~ B