Sunday, May 07, 2006

waiting is the hardest part

Today is our monthly Stitch-N-Bitch. I have about 15 minutes until I have to walk down and catch the bus. I'm going a bit early and finding fabulous, luscious yarn to make sweet baby things (hats) from. With so many people I know either having had them already, or getting ready to have them, I figured I could whip out a few and get some things in the mail. I'm only sorry I hadn't thought to do it earlier before the two babies came into the world did...but they are here now and have heads that need hatting. :)

(Kris, just don't tell Shelly and act surprised dammit!)

I have something on the needles for my friend, Reagan, but I'm not sure I'm liking the yarn and how it's working for this particular project. I like that it is made from Soy, but it's a flat ribbon type yarn and it's just okay for the thin, springtime scarf I'm making her. I've got a few things done as samples of how it knits up so I'll get input today at the S-n-B.

Josie is sad because she's getting the short end of the stick today. We're going hiking tomorrow, even though it's supposed to be rainy. My yogi will be joining us as she needs to see some joy. And nothing brings me more joy than watching Josie on a hike. That dog is goofy!

Okay, so 20 minutes til the bus is supposed to be arriving and I have a 7 minute walk to the stop and the stop that is the timed stop is two stops up the I should leave in about 8 minutes. :)



Kris Harris said...

Holy cow! Not one hour ago Shelly was telling me about her idea to make (have made) a knit cap with built-in pigtails to assist in gender ID. I said I bet Shannon could figure out how to do that. Even if you can't, she will be thrilled to get a custom-made hat from aunt shanny.

Kris Harris said...

Holy cow! Not one hour ago Shelly was telling me about her idea to make (have made) a knit cap with built-in pigtails to assist in gender ID. I said I bet Shannon could figure out how to do that. Even if you can't, she will be thrilled to get a custom-made hat from aunt shanny.

Thanks in advance.

bronxbt said...

enjoy your monday with Josie, Kev and yer yogi.

joy is a deserved pleasure... go find it!

~ B

shannon said...

K- I have something on the needles already! :) You are going to FLIP!!! Hell, I am going to FLIP! It's the first hat and know it's made with 100% love love love!

B- If she decides to go (the yogi) then I will be pleased. She said she wasn't feeling too well yesterday. I told her she needed to see complete joy, and she'd get that energy from Josie.