Thursday, December 15, 2005

quick WOOT!

Just got done IMing with my dear friend, Amanda. We were both not really wanting to get home right away to the various chores that await. Soooo, we're meeting at Oregon Wines on Broadway for wine and nibblies (I called and the gals there told me I could bring food...cuz I'm special).


I'm really looking forward to spending a bit of time with her this evening...


Jack K. said...

You sure know how to hurt a guy. (The hurt is envy.) They have some very nice wines there. Next time your in give them my regards.



Amanda said...

Thanks for a lovely evening. Hope your head doesn't hurt. :)

Next time - a real dinner is in order.

bronxbt said...

not a wine drinker.. but did I read CHEEZE?

OMGOODNESS! Where's our invites?
mr puddins prefers a nice, smoked gouda.. just FYI