Sunday, November 06, 2005

swim suit success (we hope)

Here is the suit I just ordered. I realized that with us going to Mexico in just under two months I didn't have a suit that fit anymore. One of the drawbacks of losing weight is that things you bought and loved years ago, don't fit any longer. This is not an image of me in the suit, mind you, but it's from the site I just clicked "submit order" on. I'm pretty excited about a two piece. I hope that it works for me...we'll just have to see.

1 comment:

k said...

you blindly ordered a swimsuit...a two piece...without first trying it on? Are you INSANE? I won't order t-shirts that I haven't tried on, much less a TWO PIECE SWIMSUIT! You have some nerve, my friend.
That said, it's cute and I hope it works for you. :D