Sunday, October 09, 2005

you must know by now

How much I adore my dog. She's such a funny creature. She's sweet. She's a lover. She's a goofball. She's happy. She's crazed and insane. She's a pain in the ass. She's...MY pain in the ass.

This was taken last night when she was feeling exceptionally snuggly. Her tongue is warm. I love kisses from her, although not when I'm not expecting them. That would fall her into the PITA catagory. The stealthly walk by kisses...not so much. The "give me a kiss" or "can I have some sugar" kisses are all kinds of what I'm about.

I can hear it now, the "ewwwwww, dog kiss" comments. Until you know the love of a good dog, you'll never understand why I love my dog T H I S much!!!

I heart my Josie!


PlazaJen said...

I feel the same way about my Polly. JWo thinks dog kisses are icky & I think they're SPESHAL! I ordered Polly a fetching tag.... it says "Greatest Thing Ever!" because that is her approach to life & everything she finds in it!

Persico said...

I never thought I'd be one of those people that understand and love the affection of their dogs, and now I am.

Sometimes when I need some love from my pup I just pout my lips at her and she jumps onto my lap and licks my cheek. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to hell for that.

Anonymous said...

dog kisses are da bomb!

The other day, my little dog was going to kiss me, no stopping it, I saw it coming, so I pursed my lips. That little chit actually managed to get my teeth! I don't know how! PITA!

By the way, I think this is my first comment, but I've been reading for a while.