Sunday, October 09, 2005

she knows, she knows

Why is it my inner guide always knows things and I sometimes listen and sometimes don't? Why don't I always listen?!?! Please, let me listen...

Example 1:
thoughts to myself..."I should really wear a belt today." Results: I don't and all day at work I am spent pulling up my pants, which is damned annoying.

Example 2:
thoughts to myself and the out loud to Kevin..."You might want to take a dry tee shirt on our hike today." Results, we end up getting dumped on and he was thankful for dry clothing.

Example 3:
thoughts out loud to Jenn, my steam cleaning friend..."I hope the machine doesn't break while I am using it!" Results: The hose for the upholstery cleaning rips in two right as I spiral it back onto the machine and have it hooked ever so nicely in each little spot designed specifically for holding the hose in place. This leaves me with nasty, and I mean nasty, water and sludge from the living room through the hallway and into the kitchen where I had taken it to make disposal of the nasty water easier, you know so I wouldn't slop it all through the house? I suppose I should have let her use the machine first, but then again she only has rugs to clean so I would have ended up having to call her to let her know that the hose broke anyway. I now am searching for the Hoover Steam Vac Ultra hose (do you think I could find the part number ANYWHERE? NO!) It's model #F5872-900. is of no help.

Luckily I did get all the steam cleaning done AND the vacuum part isn't affected by the hose not working so at least I didn't destroy the entire machine. Ugh.

Kev and the animals are all currently locked in the bedroom until carpet, area rug and sofa are dry. All I can say is it's damn nice I got done with the sofa prior to it breaking...can you imagine a half done sofa?

Note to self, LISTEN TO THE INNER GUIDE, she knows, she knows.


Jack K. said...

Inner guides are wonderful. They help us to do the right thing. My problem seems to be that right after the first bit of advice comes one that is even more enticing and so damned wrong it is pathetic. I don't know why that happens, but I do make the wrong choice enough times to be aggravated by my willingness to ignore the first bit of data that is almost always the correct thing to do.

I wish you luck in re-training yourself. Once you do, let me know your secret so I can improve.


PS: By the way my latest blog for the RMPO Reunion is this one. You probably won't know anyone there, but I have it almost completed.

Adrianne said...

The small quiet voice is always right, and it will never demand to be heard. Listening to it will make it stronger, always go with what it says. The only way to retrain yourself is by practice, and constantly reminding yourself to listen to that quiet voice.

Live fully...

Michelle said...

Hi from Canada (with no weird ads or other motivation behind my post).

I found my way here by way of your dad's blog.

I'll check back again sometime!