Monday, September 19, 2005

it's t-a-t-t-o-o right?

The air has that Fall time chill to it in the mornings. I wake up and I just want to snuggle further down in my bed, with my fat orange cat crawling across me trying desperately to nudge me into the world of the living. There is no use, he is heavy and my head...not meant to be a cat perch.

Everyone goes crazy, I'm up! Big dog, runs over and tries to eat my hand. I can't tell if she's just that excited or she's that hungry. I fed her last night so it can't be the latter. I think she's just that excited to see me? Wow, really?

The small cat (can you call a cat who is 11 lbs small...I mean, she's not huge by any means, especially when you compare her to lard ass) she sits and waits for the other two to do her bidding for her. She chirps next to her bowl as I enter the room. All sweet and demure. Yes, I just said my cat was being demure.

Now I've been up for about an hour, I've consumed much of my first latte of the day while chatting and shopping online with a friend. She's getting ready to move to Florida and needs a more professional wardrobe for interviews. So, we've both logged into and have been picking out fabulous new things. All for her! It's so much fun...while we chat on yahoo instant message.

I'm not sure what we are doing today or where we are going, other than I am meeting with Naomi, a tattoo artist whose work I've admired for a while now. I had hoped to run into her after she'd bought clogs from me...three years ago?!?! So on Friday when walking back to the store after the bank who should I see (and accost) NAOMI! It went something like this:

your name is naomi, right?


i've seen your work on shawna?


i've been wanting to run into you ever since you bought clogs from me three years ago because i have never been happy with my tattoo and i wanted to get your opinion.

okay, can i see it now?

(i show her my ankle)

let's go into your work so i can give you my number...i see a floral vine pattern in blacks and greys.

cool, i was kind of thinking vines as well.

So I called her while walking around the dog park with the Nose yesterday and have an appointment with her today. She said she'd work with me on the $$ aspect because I always feel like there are better things to spend my money on...HOWEVER my reasoning behind wanting to do something now is that I've never been proud of the ink I have on me. When someone says, "Cool tattoo" I never just say thanks. Instead I go on and on about how crappy it was done... I want to be proud. I want to enjoy the work that is done. If I tried to get it removed I'd have horrible scaring (or is it scarring...blogger spell check thinks it's one R, but it doesn't seem right) because of how deep the idiot did it. So, I'd rather cover it up with something from Naomi. I'll keep you all posted (I'm sure my folks are thrilled...).


shannon said...

That is what I thought too, Bekah, but far be it from me to challenge Blogger's dictionary (that doesn't even know that "blog" has become a mainstream word). :)

I will make sure to post before and after if I do indeed have work done to it.

Jack K. said...

Thrilled won't begin to explain your dear old dad's response. However, it is your ankle and your money and I love you with bowling pins or vines or nothing on you ankle.

Perhaps your blog is trying to tell you something. Bekah got it right. With one r it is scary. Perhaps the message is meant to "scare" you into figuring some other way to work with Naomi. Who knows? I certainly don't.

Whatever you decide, I still love you and brag about you being my daughter. I don't even think about the tatto or is that tat?



PlazaJen said...

I believe the proper hip name now is "ink". As in, gettin' some ink.

I've always been intrigued but never committed enough to any one thing to take the plunge. I don't know that this mentality will be changing anytime soon, but I'm always interested in what other people do! I'm seconding the request for pictures!

shannon said...

The time with Naomi was well spent and we have another appointment set up to meet again with her drawings and my ideas. She and I are both on the same page, botanical. I'm pretty excited about it, other people in my family, not so much...ahhh well, to live.

Adrianne said...

I would love to see pix of the new ink.

Love you Sis....