Today will consist of the following (in no particular order)
Yarn shopping (what, there is a sale that starts today and I took the day off work...because it's my birthday). Yarn purchased. Enough for a sweater for a baby, some bibs for that same baby, and a really cool hat for...that very baby. I also scored on some yarn for a dress I'd like to make for myself to wear in my friend's wedding next summer. It's gorgeous (and sadly the camera died as I was attempting to take my first photo to share. not the kind of died that charging fixes, either).
Coffee drinking (that can happen only until about mid morning if I ever want to sleep again). Now it's the time of the day where if I drink more coffee, I will not sleep tonight. Most people think that I couldn't possibly be that touchy to it, but I am. Trust me.
Baby knitting (I'm almost done with the first baby jacket for the newest member of my family). I finished, except for seaming up the sides and sleeves (which will take zero time on a baby sweater) and I have to find a really great button, well...two really great buttons.
Sushi eating (this will commence this evening with a few friends). Done and done. Greatest meal!
Bones watching (I am officially addicted to that show. I've not watched any of this season, we are getting caught up on the former seasons). Done with this as well. Didn't allow myself to watch all day, but I did get quite a few episodes into the season I'm watching.
Other than that, I'm not really sure. I think I'll let the day play out as it is supposed to. I have my list for the yarn shop (remarkably, there is some yardage listed that isn't for the Blob and is in fact for me).
Hope everyone has a great day!!
I wish you a very happy birthday! Sounds good what you've planned for today! :o)But is there no cake involved?
Have a very happy birthday!!!
Glad to know you were able to get some really great yarn. We can hardly wait to see the results.
Sorry to learn about the camera. Keep me informed as to its condition.
Love ya,
Sounds like a great day! I hope you have a very happy birthday :)
Happy happy birthday! May the year unfold with joy and plenty more yarn..... :) hugs, my friend.
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