Monday, July 24, 2006

sally mander

Yesterday morning I woke up at 7:30 like normal (even on my days off it's normal). I fed the crew, let Josie out to potty, made myself an ICED latte and headed out front to make my Sunday morning calls. I spoke with Mom and Dad's answering machine. I spoke with Mom and Dad's cell voice mail. I spoke for a second with my friend Reagan and then Dad beeped in. She said no problem so I clicked over. I found out Mom was still at the number I'd called earlier in the week so I called Mom.

Every Sunday I call my parents. It's become one of my favorite rituals. Sometimes we chat for an hour and a half, others we just chat for twenty minutes. Mom and I spoke of her getting sprung from the hospital and how good she sounded (and consequently felt).

While I was making all these calls I received a call from our friend, James. He was rallying troops to go to a place called Buck Lake (which we renamed, Lake Salamander for the sheer number of salamanders that were swimming in the lake). Kev got up and I ran to the store to get vegetables to cut up as well as the dip in which to dip them (yes, I take veggies and dip to the lake...HUSH!) as well as a few other essentials.

This is where we spent all day yesterday:

The boys (Merek, James, Aquila, and Kev as well as Kona the dog) all swam much of the day and I sat under the shade of a tree with Josie and knit. It was a beautiful day indeed...

The photo shows you where four of the five who were swimming were. I think Aquila was at the side, sitting on a rock at the time? Or just getting ready to go out and meet Kev.

Anyway, as I said, I was sitting and knitting with Josie, who'd had enough traipsing around the water and rocks and was NOT happy when Kev and she hiked down to the car for a couple more things and he MADE her come back up the "stoopid hill" to where we were again. She parked her butt and didn't move until it was time to head home. She sat with me the whole day. Although, when I would get up to go do things, she'd be right behind me (which prompted me to have to tell Kev to call her back each time just so she wouldn't be too tired to hike back down the hill).

This is me enjoying myself: well, you'd see an image of Josie's butt under my legs as they are propped up on a cooler with beer in the background and knitting on my lap but blogger doesn't seem to want you to see it. Hmmm...


Adrianne said...

What a great way to spend the day. A beautiful lake, good friends, good dogs, good food, and knitting goodness.

PlazaJen said...

Oh, that just looks lovely. Now I'm hungry for dip.

shannon said...

i brought dip with me today for lunch! :)

and the cool breeze...with that view...nothing could be better!

bronxbt said...

yesh, that does look heavenly!

and oh! dip for lunch!

would that be dip for a dip?
or something else.. hmmmm


Jack K. said...

What a great day. Glad you had such a good time. A dip at the lake is quite appropriate, whether it's you going into the water, or you dipping veggies.

Sounds scrumptious.

Looks like we may be coming your way next May. We will be coming that way to spend some time with Ellouise and Mike. They will be in Seattle for a dental convention. (Cool it -b!) They are arranging a place to stay through their (damned senior moment, I can't remember what they call those pay for a two week stay places.) Anyway the place is in Vancouver. We are looking forward to spending time with them. (Jack, can you say time share?)

We may also be persuaded to looking forward to seeing you, Kevin and the menagerie.



Persico said...

The power of water.