It is the fourth of July. It is the "get really drunk, set off copious amounts of things that are filled with powders and things that will go boom and hope to not set fire to any houses, explode any fingers off, and set great examples for the kids who are helping us with our 'display'" of July. It is the "make my dog really upset until she gets herself worked up in a lather as she paces through the house and the only thing that calms her down is Radiohead played loud enough to make Kev say 'that is too loud'" of July.
I am not a fan of this day. I bet you couldn't tell.
not one person i asked this week even knew the POINT of the 4th of July.
gads i hate this holiday too for it's disruptive tendencies, lost fingers and overall noise pollution.
hope josie is recovering quickly.
maddie's a mess.
you know, radiohead is key in our calm 4th of julys (well, maybe not 100% calm, but calmer than if we didn't have anything playing). josie is zonked this morning, as am i. training someone today, going to be brilliant...ugh.
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