Wednesday, October 12, 2005

list time once again...

1. Finish paying bills (home and work).

2.Get Judy's email address so I can pass along all the information for her reps so she can email her own orders in for the kids store.

3. Put together fill in orders for a couple companies.

4. Break down some recycling.

5. Call the OR Dept of Revenue and ask them where the hell our tax money is!!!

6. Call Stark Vacuum repair and arrange to have a hose held for the steam vac I borrowed (which broke while I was using it...grumble).

7. Deal with customers as they come in (ongoing event).

8. Send my dear Tanya her birthday gift.

9. continue tagging things onto this list as the day allows...

italics=done...couldn't find the strike through

Thanks Bekah!


Jack K. said...

I hope you will be able to x out those chores you complete as you complete them. There is nothing more satisfying than looking at a list that has all of the items xed out. Life is good.



Anonymous said...

If you go to "HTML" instead of "Compose" and chose the words/phrases you wanna strike out you put:

< strike > and then the words and then < / strike > except all squished together.

Anonymous said...

No problem! :-)