Thursday, September 08, 2005

where's the poop?

Okay, so my friend Shannon and I have been trying to go out on walks with Josie on Thursday nights. The first time was a few weeks ago (and then life reared its head and got in the way). We went tonight FINALLY!

Josie is a pretty quick pooper. Normally we start our hikes and walks and BOOM she poops. Tonight was no different. I picked it up (in the baggie) and set it to the side of the trail we would be going back down. While walking up the trail Shannon and I were discussing where to leave the poop in order to see it on our way back down. A gentleman was walking down the trail as we were having the discussion. We assured him we'd pick up the baggie on the way down and he thanked us saying, "not everyone picks up the poop."

We walked for a little and turned around earlier than we would have liked because the park closed its gates at 8 and it was starting to get dark. So, we're traveling down the pathway and I call out "we need to keep an eye open for the poop!" Shannon was sure it was further down the trail, towards the end/beginning. I thought it'd be anytime soon...I even walked back up the trail a bit to make sure I didn't miss it. I asked a complete stranger (who probably think I'm completely strange) if they'd seen my baggie of dog poop. He said he hadn't, but that he hadn't been looking for it...




"DID THAT MAN PICK UP THE POOP?!?!" (remember him, the one from the beginning of the walk whom we swore we'd pick up the poop to!?)

We never found the poop. I can only assume the man picked up the baggie and took care of it for us. Interesting thing is, this is the SECOND time it's happened on our walks!

So, what would prompt a complete stranger to pick up a baggie of dog poop? I am appreciative, but at the same time would rather have people leave my dogs poop alone so I don't have to second guess my sanity and poop spotting abilities.


Jack K. said...

Some folks like to serve well by taking care of business and quietly disposiing of the poop for others.

Some folks like to play jokes by taking care of business and quietly disposiing of the poop for others.

Some folks like to play jokes by hiding the poop somewhere else. Malevolent louts.

Sometimes other critters get into the poop and take to their private poop collections. Don't you have to limit Josie's access to the litter box?

Some random thoughts about the "Great Poop Mystery".



Persico said...

I also have limit Lucy's access to Caesars litter box.

But I understand your poop problem. Once a little kid (probably about seven) beat me to it. His parents were less than thrilled.

FemaleCSGradStudent said...

I would take poop. OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) + environmentalist + dog owner.