Wednesday, September 21, 2005

i feel a list coming on...

I am almost completely packed. I have washed a few things that will be thrown into my bag tomorrow night. I'm ready to go! I have a few loose ends to tie up at work tomorrow and then I'm ready for my weekend in LA to begin.

Josie keeps giving me her big sad eyes and Simon has begun investigating my duffel bag. Chloe is the only one who is giving me the time of day this evening. Kev gave me crap about taking the duffel bag instead of the wheeled carry on, but honestly, I don't need that much room! I'm not going for a week...what that man was thinking, I'll never know.

I just have to load up some music onto my MP3 player (although I'm going to see if Kev can show me how to compress it more so I can have more music on the it is in MP3 form, I can only get about 2 cds worth and that just ain't going to cut it). I have to have Kev unload some small videos he shot while out with his buddies...maybe while at Ween, I'm not sure though. The camera is charged and ready to go though. Tomorrow I will charge my phone overnight so it'll be ready too. Then I just have to pack the toiletries.

Can you tell I'm getting a bit excited? Perhaps, just a wee bit? I guess I should probably pick up some cash too tomorrow. The things to remember. Where's some paper, I'm feeling the need to make a list.


Persico said...

I like to make a list with the first object being Make A List, just so I can feel slightly better about being able to cross of one thing... I never get further than that.

Have fun!

Adrianne said...

OK, heres your list: cash, toiletries, things that were washed out, camera, charge phone, take phone, have Kev load more than 2 cd's on mp3 player...Let's see anything else?

Have fun, tell Julianne hi for me, and tell she needs to update her blogs more often!

Love you Sis.

Jack K. said...

Lists are great. While we didn't have an extensive one for our trip, I did manage to pack extra batteries for my hearing aid. Too bad I remembered the hearing aid about an hour down the road. Other than that, we have everything we need.

Had a great time with Jim and Kathy. Ate too much. Didn't talk enough (time constraint). Promised to get together sooner. Five years is a long time between visits. And it was our time.

Tell Kevin they send their love.

Give Julianne and David our best.



shannon said...

Yeah Bek, are you just realizing I'm not your average girl. I hate overpacking. I'm the girl who lists out and sketches what she is going to wear each day (and if there is yoga then there are two outfits for that day...listed and sketched). I know, I'm a weirdo.

Adrianne, thanks for the list. I think you covered it all. :)

Dad, did you mean you forgot your hearing aide? Is that possible? I guess it is if you did...

Shari, I often like to start the list with "make a list" so I can cross it off when I'm done making it. :) Although being a constant list maker...however, my friend Chaz is worse. She has had to make a list of all the lists she has going at one time. Yeah, that's right, a list of her lists.