Wednesday, June 15, 2005

welcome back kids

Hey! I'm here, it's great...

I can do things like this . We saw this phenomenan today in P-town. It was amazing. I had to google it immediately. A guy who works in the building above the shop indicated it looked more like a cloud and not an actual ring around the sun, but I still say it was a ring! :)

I am going to play with Flickr tonight. I am going to see if my friend Bekah was right. If she was, you'll soon see photos in this here blog soon!!! If she tells stories, I'll send out the post saying she lies like a rug and I'm going back to blog-city....nah, I wouldn't do that to you again, at least not so soon.

I'm out!


Anonymous said...

I think I will like this site too. Will I be able to be alerted to new posts? I haven't taken the time to peruse the site fully yet.

Love you,


shannon said...

Dad, I have just sent a suggestion/request to the folks at Blogger. I am hoping that it can be (if it isn't already) an option for the future.

I'm off to play with Flickr.