Wednesday, May 27, 2009

i spy with my little eye

can you see it? i know you can. if not, click the pic to make it bigger.

you see now? two little sprouts. what are they?


i planted roughly 40 seeds (two rows) and we have about 10 coming up right now, with hopes for more.

our zucchini sprouts have started too. out of the 9 i planted, 2 are emerging. we'll probably even cull that to one plant (will let the little boogers grow to see who is going to look the strongest).

i could hardly believe my eyes when we took the tour last night. i swear, every single day i walk through the garden i spy something else new and beautiful.

we've got quite a bit of garden work that kind of dropped in our laps last night, however. the tiny italian plum tree is covered in aphids. we have rock to spread. there are always weeds to pull (but that isn't new, so not really something that "dropped" per se).


Jack K. said...

That corn didn't take long, did it?

I eagerly await more photos as the garden grows.

What are your plans for dealing with the aphids?

Monika said...

Wonderful! It's so great to see things growing! It's nice that both of you like to do gardening.