Monday, January 09, 2006


Originally uploaded by chlortence.
I was looking through the photos I have loaded onto flickr. I like this one of Josie. It was the first time she actually snuggled in and stayed snuggled for a long time. Usually, she's up, moving, turing, flopping, twitching..etc. However, this night, she hopped up (please note the sheet that is under us to protect the couch) and she did her one turn and she plopped down. I adore this dog. She is an amazing creature, even when she's bugging the shit out of me. :)

I really don't have much to say, just wanted to share a picture of a shiny dog. She kind of looks sad, even though in a few minutes after I took this shot she was licking and kissing all over me with utter joy.

We can learn a lot from a dog.


bronxbt said...

your puppers has the same look as mine from time to time, including the gray lil' schmuzzle that makes her look so... um.. wise.

yesh, dogs could teach a lot to us humans, such a shame so many humans just don't listen, eh?


~ mr puddins

Persico said...

From your story of your pup we can conclude that when one is sad all we need to do is kiss and lick the closest person in order to feel better.

Oh the things that my dog has taught me. (All though I don't think I'll ever be one for licking my own ass.)