Friday, October 14, 2005

cold pad thai with scallops...

Last night after an incredible yoga practice Diana, Jill and I went out for dinner. Pad Thai Kitchen...drooooool. The best Thai in town! I ordered my favorite, pad thai, scallops, medium heat. PER!FECT!

So, today's birthday lunch (ahem, ahem, nudge, nudge...) will be cold pad thai with scallops, medium heat. Nothing makes me happier than that. The simple things.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Why didn't I know it was your birthday before now? You're supposed to announce it on your blog well in advance, and then do a post of HAPPY BIRFDAY TO ME, or something along those lines. You modest people just don't know what you're doing!

Adrianne said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your day goes as good as you want it to.

Love you....

shannon said...

Bekah, I used to sing it on rooftops, but then a few years ago I kind of stopped. Perhaps it was around the time I turned 30. Not BECAUSE I turned 30, but it just happened taht way.

Thanks for your birthday wishes! :)

PlazaJen said...

Well, look at this, and we didn't even get to decorate your blog! Happy Birthday, Shanny! And you KNOOOOOW how jealous I am of your Thai food!!!

Jack K. said...

You had to mention Pad Thai didn't you?

I have very fond memories of that marvelous dining establishment. I know we will be going there together again some time.

Scallops are yummy.

Anonymous said...


something told me to look at your blog today!

happy day! hope you have a great birthday libra girl...

yr new ruby shoed friend,