Wednesday, August 26, 2009

days off blogger

it would appear as if i've become a "weekender". ah well, such is life. work has been quite busy, but in this economy (while working retail) that's a good thing! trust me, i gots no complaints!

so, instead of rehashing all that i've done this work week, perhaps i will make the list of things i'd like to get accomplished today? or maybe just talk about a few of the things. i don't want to pressure myself.

i'd like to make salsa today, but it requires going to the store. i need a bit more cilantro, another onion, some habeneros (to go with our jalapenos and anaheims), and limes.

i am really hoping that we get the diggity dog out (that'd be josie) on a light hike. we've not been all that active this summer (other than walks around the 'hood) so i want to take it easy. no devil's rest!

i also hope to have time to do is knit. i've got patterns of sweaters swirling in my head...but i've not seen them anywhere, so my brain is working overtime doing math and such.

ooh! and coffee. i'm going to make coffee! the grinder is using less beans for a really lovely pot of french press than my previous blade grinder. this will prove to be a great thing.

that's about it, yo.


Jack K. said...

Ahhh, the life of the truly busy folks. Salsa sound good.

Unknown said...

Ted just made salsa last weekend and it's pretty good, though a bit too strong/onion-y to use with any food b/c it over powers the food's taste.

I'm finding myself having time on weekends as well. I could usually keep up with daily posts on breaks at work but then I got so busy and once I'm at home, I'm so tired of the computer. Fortunately, I don't have much to do today :)

The Real Mother Hen said...

I have left my knitting project aside... uummm it's time to get it out again as the weather gets colder.