this is one of my favorite harvests. those potatoes were like velvet in my mouth. the onions were sharp and wonderful (albeit small), the peppers had some kick to them (which made for amazing salsa).
i have a list on the fridge of the veggies we'd like to plant next year for the summer harvest. i've been remiss about doing a fall crop. i'm not a huge fan of the butternut squash and other fall harvests. but i still feel as though i should have planted something...
oh and next year, we're planting the same type of green bean as last year. not a fan of the taste or the small harvest of the ones we planted this year. the latter of which possibly has to do with the odd weather we've had this year.
Do you plant sugar snap peas? Oh I love them. I hope to get a community plot next year and plant some... but will need to research and see if they can grow in central oregon first :()
we have soooo many tomatoes it's ridiculous... and except for 2 harvests of lettuce, everything else was a glamorous fail this year.
yer bounty looks primo though!
What a harvest Shannon! Looks like lots of cooking up for you! I make those lists every year too. The only problem is that my list keeps growing... and makes me work harder each summer. My garden keeps spreading out! (:
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