Monday, January 30, 2006

tiny little needles

This morning I got up at 7:30 to feed the crew and got myself ready for session number two of the great tattoo cover up. I got a bit stuck in traffic, which was fine by Naomi as she was having a tough time getting started this morning. I got there closer to 9:30 than the original 9:00 appointment time. She took a look at the first bit she's done and she gasped. She was smiling ear to ear and just beaming with excitement. I could see her wheels turning as she came up with the game plan for today's session. We are to start the cover up bit she said. Bring. It. On.*

That, that is what hurt the most thus far. Going over the ink and scar tissue from years prior. Thought I wanted today to go a bit longer, she laid the ground work for the rest of the cover up and she started some shading of one of the bits of kelp up the back of my leg. It was a shorter session (just under 3 hours long) and she indicated we can do it in two more. This makes me a happy girl. However, I am nervous that each time will hurt a bit more. You see, when I got the line work done I had forgotten, 100%, how much it hurt. This time, I had memory of pain and it hurt even more. I really am not looking forward to the next two sessions, aside from the fact that it will lead to beauty.

It's under plastic wrap and won't be photographed for a few days so it can heal. I may wait until right beforeI go in the next time to do any photos. It's not pretty (yet), what cover up she's done, but the shading up the back is gorgeous. I can see where she is going and what she's going to do in my mind to the rest so I know it will turn out to be beautiful.

So in about 4 weeks I will go back for session #3. It will be a long one she says. We will do a full 4 hours, maybe longer. We really want to get it done in 4 sessions total although we won't push it if she thinks I need to heal before she starts the next bits. I trust her, she knows her craft well.

Today I got up, got poked with tiny needles (while snuggling the cutest little dog...Rosie), came home and made an apple pie, ran to the grocery store, took the pie to Lawrence and Diana (the first of the five tickets he was given for Xmas) and am now watching KU basketball while waiting for our friends to come for dinner. We're having horseradish and dijon mustard crusted beef loin with garlic mashed potatoes and steamed asparagus.

*Lucky for me I had Rosie right by my side the whole time. Rosie is Naomi's little terrier dog. She gets really upset when Naomi tattoos people. She doesn't like us being hurt. So, before she started Naomi asked if it was okay if Rosie snuggled with me on the table... you know, to make her feel better. Well, I'm not one to make an animal sad, so I told her that she was more than welcome. I am telling you, petting a dog when you are being pricked by the tiny needles of a tattoo gun...way to do it!


PlazaJen said...

whoooeee, girly girl. Nobody can tell you this isn't what you wanted! I had me some phantom pain, just reading about yours. And what kind of a geek am I, thinking initially you were knitting something on size 1's or 0's..... heh. BIG 'UN!

k said...

I think I need to plan a visit to Portland so I can meet this woman and have her do one for me! I've wanted to for ages, but I will not go to some random person. You got me to dye my hair for the first time--perhaps you'll get me my first tattoo as well. :D