Josie has been following me around trying to get her tongue all over my right ankle. She did this last time when I'd gotten the line work done. She just wants to make it feel better and nurse me back to the land of no pain. She's sweet, but at the same time I'm maneuvering myself around this house and around this dog in some interesting ways.
It's not much more than a messy blur still, the ankle. I don't think I am going to post pictures of this stage, although when it's a bit less puffy and healed up I will show you all the shading we started yesterday. It's going to be gorgeous. I know she's got a great eye and I know that the coverup part will be wonderful, but right now...not so cute. In time, in time.
When the alarm went off it was extremely hard to get myself out of bed this morning. All I wanted to do was stay snuggled up with my cat and my husband and not move a muscle all day. No such luck. This mornings coffee is the first I've made myself since Friday morning. It tastes good. It's smooth and frothy (remember, I am a latte drinker) and it's perfect. Since I packed my lunch up last night I have a few extra minutes to just sit and enjoy the perfect, made at home, latte (all while listening to Josie slurp and crack on her pig stick as she lays beside me...stinky!!).
I am hoping for a day that allows me to do the things I need to do without being annoyed. Yeah, cuz that happens all the time on Tuesdays (my Mondays...which I have learned to dislike with quite little effort). I wish everyday was like Saturday. Although then my beautiful Saturdays wouldn't feel special nevermind, I don't wish that. I just wish that today goes quickly so that I may get home, where I wish I didn't have to leave.
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