Wednesday, October 05, 2005

you are so jealous, i know!

Erin Brockovich. She wears a size 8 shoe! And I just sold her two pairs for herself and one pair for her friend. ROCK ON! She handed me her card. I took a look at the name and said, "I thought that was who you are..." She smiled and said, "Yep, it's me!" Then when I went to look at the signature on the back of the card it was absent and I proceeded to joke that even though I knew who she was would she like to show me proof. She laughed and she showed me her drivers license. We spoke of writing "ask for ID" on our cards, etc. They are in town for some event, but even though I'm nosy I didn't ask what event...

Erin Freaking Brockovich!!! She's an amazing woman. And I sold her shoes!!!


Amanda said...

Does she look like this?

shannon said...

She did look like that, although in a more casual, I'm cold in the Pac NW way. Her hair was up, and not so blonde. She had on a fuzzy camel colored vest and jeans. And ratty old cowboy boots...I remember looking at them thinking they needed new heels. :) I'm such a nerd!

PlazaJen said...

woohoo! At first I thought it was code for "Julia Roberts"... LOL!