Thursday, October 06, 2005


Why do people come in, ask for something and when I show them what I have they say, "Oh, that's not really what I had in mind. I had something more like that (pointing) in mind." So when I remember HEY that comes in that size now and produce said item they come up with all kinds of reasons why it wouldn't work. I understand the first item not being what they were looking for, but the second, the one they pointed out, why?!?!

Just curious...

1 comment:

Jack K. said...

Welcome to the rousing game of "Why don't you...Yes, But." It is a game for the person asking for an item that they have no intention of buying. It is fun some times to confront them. "I get the idea that you are not ready to make a purchase yet. Is that true? Perhaps I can show you something else." When someone else comes in you can excuse yourself and serve them.

Besides some people like to shop, not buy.

Serve well!

