Friday, August 08, 2003

we keep plugging on

Haven't done too much to the house, it gets difficult to do anything when you have company. I have made a couple of pillows though. Nothing like having my own space to get the juices flowing. I am sure I have said something similar before.

Tomorrow we are going to drive up to Mount Saint Helens with Reggie. Kev and I have gone before, but it was so hot and I had my big monster of a Nikkon with me that weighed a good 5 pounds by the end of our hike (didn't start out that heavy!!). Now that we have the digital I will take some great shots, and figure out how to share. Kev says he knows, but I just have to get him to show me. I am hoping that the weather keeps along the lines it is today, overcast and cooler.

I know that Sunday and Monday will be lower 70's. That is a far cry from where we were a couple of weeks ago.

I found a fabulous Home Depot out by the house, much neater and more organized than the one we had been going to. Still have not hung the tension wire, as I have not been successful in finding the rings with clips. Soon though, I hope. I need to still wash the fabric and hem the top and bottom so when I do find them I am ready to install everything.

This home ownership has brought out something in me...I am motivated, I have projects and I complete them in a timely fashion. Why oh why could I have not had this ability while in school?!?! At least I have found it now.

The laundry has once again filled the hamper, thus I must start on some this evening. It is a beast that is never satisfied!! Thankfully though, nobody has come up with disposable clothes! Could you imagine?!? In this world of disposable everything it is nice that there is something made to wash and wear, not just discard. But I digress.

Our house guest leaves Sunday for Spokane, Washington. Then we tackle the lawn. We are looking into an electric mower. I like the idea of A. it's better for the environment, B. not having to haul a can of gas in the car, C. not running out of gas mid-mow. I guess Kev talked with a woman somewhere (he was looking at mowers yesterday) and she indicated that if our grass is long the electric is not the way to go, that we should rent a gas powered one, and then buy electric for general upkeep. I don't know what the difference is. If anyone knows why this would be, email me. We can borrow one (gas) from our friends, Jessica and Brandon, if we need. I am thinking that the woman was just looking to make more money for the company she works for...depending on where Kev went a'lookin.

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