Thursday, June 03, 2010


pretty fence
Originally uploaded by chlortence
for a little while now Kev and I have talked of finishing the fence around the back yard (we have two small sections to do). it seems that Josie wants to hang a little more back there, but since she is a dog she tends to wander. not wanting to have a dead dog, lost dog, no dog...we opted for fencing. :)

we met some friends out for a beer last night and stumbled across this gorgeous fence. it is exactly what we would like our fence to look like. i sent a photo of Kev standing next to it to Ian and he said it was exactly what he had in mind. pictures as it happens...

1 comment:

Vicki's Bit-o-earth said...

I like that fence too! Looks real sturdy. Can Kev come put one up for me too? (; xxxVicki