Thursday, December 03, 2009

pie on the mind

one of my fondest memories from when i was a little girl is sneaking pie with my grandpa. nobody knew what we were up to. he'd stand guard and i would creep under the table to the cabinet where grandma would put the desserts. the cabinet was built into the table. shoo-fly pie was our favorite. still is mine.

last week i made one and while the actual filling was perfect, the crust was not. it was too thick and took away from the flavors of the pie itself. i hadn't been able to locate a great crust recipe i'd found online, nor could i remember the site or find it in my history.

today i decided to start thinking about the holidays and what food i shall be making. the menu is coming along quite nicely, i must say. what should i find in the bread section of my recipe box? that crust recipe!!

so, even though i made the pie just last week, i think i must make it again. to see if i have truly perfected it.


pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

You'll have to make it again, and then you'll have to eat it! Yum.

Lily said...

Oh I am so surprised that you don't make your mom's crust! Shame on thee!! We tasted three pies over T. Day and they were all wonderful!!
Did you have green beans this year again?

Jack K. said...

Did you check the recipe book your mother gave you? I would be surprised if there wasn't a shoo-fly pie recipe in it. But, then, you probably used that one to make the filling.

Oh well, what do I know? snerx.

We're looking forward to Christmas with you and Kevin.

Love ya,


The Real Mother Hen said...

I have never heard of shoo-fly pie! So I'm going to google it now.

Vicki's Bit-o-earth said...

What a great memory of your grandpa Shannon! I love those kind, and have a few of my grandpa too! I recently found that I have gluten intolerance, so have had to learn how to bake without wheat flour! What a chore, but fortunately since my Mom has Celiac disease, she has some great recipes. She made all our pies for Thanksgiving and everyone loved them better than the regular pie crusts. Now I don't have to feel like I'm missing out because I can't eat wheat. Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories and have fun decorating for Christmas. Vicki

PlazaJen said...

I stink at making pie crusts. I even stink at unrolling the ones you buy in the store! Maybe I'll give the homemade ones another go - my mom always made the best crusts, with crisco. My first pie ever had a crust of concrete! Good luck!