Wednesday, June 10, 2009


there is nothing more satisfying than sitting down in a freshly cleaned house. we took the subaru to the dealership today to get the power outlet installed. it'd had a defunct lighter when we bought it used a few years ago and up until this point we hadn't needed the power for anything. however, with my driving trip coming up in just over a week, kev thought it'd be a good idea to get it taken care of so i can charge my cell phone. while there the battery died. honestly, can't think of a better place for it to up and die than a place where they sell batteries. they said it looked like the original battery, which means it was seven years old. pretty old for a car battery.

we got home, ate a little breakfast and decided to go ahead and clean the house in anticipation for a couple of friends who are coming over this evening. i am a big fan of getting the cleaning taken care of early in the day so that the rest of my day off can be spent relaxing. perhaps i need to make a facebook fan group for that? it seems like there are fan groups for all kinds of things there.

i'm really looking forward to the drive to los angeles with our friend chuck. it was a surprise that he was able to go with me down (and both of us coming back). i simply suggested that prior to him finding a job he might want to go visit his sister who lives there. he talked to her and the dates worked well. this made many in my family happy, knowing i would not be driving alone. kev will be joining me there, but he flies down a few days later because he can't take too many days off work.

so now what? perhaps i can cajole kevin into some rock band? it's a bit too rainy for yard work...


Vicki's Bit-o-earth said...

Hi Shannon, Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yes, Corey is great! She leads an interesting and wonderful life.

Yay for Subaru's! Do you like yours? A number of years ago when our kids were little, I was driving with them to town on snowy roads. A big truck dropped a huge chunk of icey snow right in front of me. I didn't yank the car at all... I know better... I tried to straddle it, but it was so big that it caught the front of the car and threw us into a spin that I couldn't stop. We swung 180 degrees around and slid into the ditch... then were flipped up into the air, doing a complete 360, landing on the passenger side front corner of the front windshield! Needless to say, I was terrified... but all the kids were in their seatbelts (and this was right after the seatbelt laws were passed)... no one was hurt! And the cage that protects the passenger part of the car held perfectly! Since then we've never been without at least one Subaru... and I never had to remind the kids to buckle up again! (:

Lily said...

Shannon, are you going to meet Eli?

Unknown said...

I love the day that we do our deep cleanings, esp. the floors and I feel like I can actually relax.

Great timing on the battery -- it's like someone was looking out for you :)

Jack K. said...

Glad to know things went so well at the repair shop.

I know what you mean about being in a freshly cleaned house.

We are going to do our house cleaning this afternoon, right after lunch.

Love ya,


The Real Mother Hen said...

Yeah, rock band is great.
Or start your own brewery at home! Oh that will be excellent. And I'll be your first customer! :)