Tonight we are having three couples over for dinner. Only two of the people coming over have met each other. I think it is going to be a good mix of people. We're grilling out and the weather has cooperated perfectly. We've cleaned the house (ugh, I hate bathrooms) and have the kitchen as far along as it will be for a little while.
I even picked a few flowers to make my kitchen even happier. The daisies are looking a little sad outside. They got too top heavy and everyone took to lying down (lazy daisies). We have now used some twine and pulled them up, but now it looks pretty funny. I'm not sharing those photos (in fact, none have been taken).
My mind has been working on what room we'll decorate after we're done with the kitchen. I'd like to finish the hallway and our bedroom (as well as the kitchen) before our families start visiting. We are hoping Kev's Dad and wife will be joining us in September. My family is all coming in November. Not sure when Kev's Mom and her husband will be getting out this way again. Hopefully this year (although we're going to see them in August). I've already started with the sketches of our bedroom. The pain in my ass is I can't find my colored pencils. I am pretty sure I took them out of the box they were packed in for moving, but I can't remember what I did with them. I've checked every logical place and nothing. I will look at work tomorrow.
But today, we get ready for a BBQ with our friends. Should be interesting since three are vegetarian and one is vegan (two of the vegetarians used to be vegans until recently) . We are serving burgers and telling them to bring what they'd like to grill. Everything else is vegan/vegetarian. I am hoping to send home two of the couples with some romaine. :)
Photo looks great.
We just shared some photos with Sophie and Manu.
Love ya,
The flowers are so pretty :) Hope you had a good BBQ!
I love the flowers. They always know how to brighten up a room. One of Ted's friends won't eat red meat, so when we're not in the mood for chicken, we tell them to bring their own.
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