Friday, March 30, 2007

sleep eludes me

My sister and I got in last night after a long, long day of travel. We both left the West Coast around 9:00 am PST and got here close to 6:00 pm EST. When we got in we were welcomed by an exuberant, gigantic dog, Fennwick. He's since calmed, which makes us happy. It's funny what a game of fetch/chase followed by a walk on a short leash will do. He's funny.

We all met with the Pastor this morning. I liked her instantly. It seems as though she has a good idea as to what will bring us the most comfort. It's been helpful, sharing stories of our memories.

We will go by the funeral home this afternoon and okay everything, making sure she looks nice. I did find out she will be wearing the purple dress she wore to my wedding. This actually brings me some comfort as well. The funny thing is, I learned she'd be wearing purple after I'd picked out my pants with a purple shantung silk wrap top. I will also be wearing purple shoes. I think it would make her smile.

I did get a bit of a nap in today, but I need more sleep. Tonight Julianne and I will go to our other cousins house and relax with his family as well.

Now Mom, Dad and my cousin Gail are at the attorney's office finishing up some paperwork regarding the will. Julianne and I stayed home and are working on some online bar listings for which she is writing reviews. I'm doing research for her while she does some as well.

And my sinuses are hating PA. I have picked up some Zicam and now the running of the nose has commenced. Yeah, I'm a joy to be around right now.

I'll be heading to LA on Sunday with Julianne and then home on Monday from there. You would not believe the trouble I had trying to find a flight home. With Spring Break coming to an end, students are trying to milk their time for everything they can. That means no flights home for me on Sunday. I get to spend the evening with Julianne, David and my favorite boy dog, Oscar and then a full day with the Ox (Oscar) while they go to work. I head home Monday evening. Not sure if I will update more on this trip, but I suppose only time will tell.

Thank you to those of you who have sent me emails or comments. Friends make this a bit easier. So does the knowledge that Grandma is no longer worrying where Pappy is and if he's with that slut Esther. :)

Side note: when I titled the first post about her death "rest" I'd forgotten that when my cousins were growing up next door to her and being needed to help out with the chores, they would talk about wanting to rest. She would always say, "You can rest when you're dead."


Jack K. said...

You are one special young lady. I am glad you chose our family to be born into.

Grandma did look peaceful and at rest.

Love ya,


bronxbt said...

breathe easy (snork snort!)
relax when you can.

be with good family.
share better memories...

and i betcha yer always nice to be around.

hugs to you and yours.