I clicked and here I am...at the NEW blogger.
I am a sheep.
The upside of being a sheep, I can produce my own wool (and that shit gets expensive!). The downside of being a sheep...I'm a sheep.
I am going to post a photo of the hat. You know, the one I made lovingly for my dear husband that would have covered his entire face and made him get hit by a car cuz he couldn't see it while crossing the road? Yeah, that hat.
Interesting. When uploading a photo...it makes you click by a "I accept the terms" box for photos.
Anyway, the hat. Keep in mind, it's a flipped up brim. Keep in mind that I don't do drugs, but as Jen said "The only appropriate caption for that is "Duuuuuuuude.""
This was taken with Ahmed's phone. Oddity: the phone actually flipped the image horizontally. It should not look as though the racks of clogs are behind MY left shoulder, they were in fact behind my right. Ah well.
Enjoy your laughter...
Aw, a cute little stoner hat.
Jen is right with the Duuude.
It is a cute hat. Sometimes counting stitches gets me in trouble too.
Cool hat, duuuude.
Duuuude. It's still a nice hat, esp if you wanna play MushMouth. Hey ba you ba!
doooood, mr puddins and i taw-tally need matching hats.
i really do like it, or maybe it's the stoner chick wearing it. i dunno.
whoa. where am i?
I like the hat -- it IS very Spiccoli.
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