Friday, September 01, 2006


I take fifteen minutes to grab lunch because my insides are jumping around from too much coffee and not enough food, and I hate that feeling. I've been waiting for FedEx to drop off fabric for my sister's wedding celebration that I am hemming for her. You can guess when they stopped by, can't you? Now they won't redeliver until the 5th!!! ARG.

Ah well, at least my "holiday" weekend won't be spent over a sewing machine. Although I don't get any extra time off since my normal days off are Sunday and Monday. And I work retail.

So, any big plans out there blogvillians?


bronxbt said...

well, jack'll be pissed 'cuz i'm laboring over the weekend, but i gotsta see an attic about it's letting go of an old wood stove chimney flute. good times, asbestice (sp?) and likely gynormous spiders the size of milwaukee.

hold me

k said...

hehe, at least you have sunday/monday off...I'm working ALL THREE DAYS! bleh. to boot, I have to be at work at 7am tomorrow. I'm going to bed. And thinking about how nice a boring 9-5 M-F job would be.... /sigh

Jack K. said...

We plan to have some of the neighbors in for a cookout and bocci.

So enjoy whatever you all will be doing.

bronxbt, be very careful with the asbestos. Seriously, it is deadly. There is some federal law about having certified people remove it.

Weather permitting, Monday is set aside for washing and waxing an Odyssey and a Del Sol.

shannon said...

b- yes, be careful. If there is asbestos, you and wifee MUSt get someone in those suits to come out and clean it up! That's an order my friend.

kerri- i understand everything you feel.

dad- an odyssey and a del sol...sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. ;)