Friday, September 22, 2006

but what about dirt?

We have several styles of shoes at work that are being made in suede. Lush, gorgeous, fabulous suede (ask me how I really feel). The one question that it always brings to the forefront is: "How does suede do in the rain...doesn't it get dirty?"

My new tactic, other than to say "I've got a couple of pairs of suede shoes and all you have to do is blah blah blah" is this:

Look at person's shoes. If they are scuffed and not taken care of (most of them are in that state) say, "well, doesn't leather scuff and require some tlc?" That'll make them hush up.


bronxbt said...

niiiice technique.
make 'em take a little step back and admire their own work...

it'z like yera' GENIUS!


big hurg!


Jack K. said...

You come by your genius natually. You take after your mother, I am proud to say.

That is a very nice touch.

Becky said...

I know you can spray some stuff on suede that's supposed to make it a little more repellant. Shoe company in Portland? it what I think it is?

Kristin said...

Oh man, I'd be so mortified! (Hi, by the way!)