Tuesday, August 01, 2006

tonight, we knit

We have friends coming over for dinner (perhaps I mentioned that?) with the theme being...KNIT! Well, for me and Jenn it is at least. She and I are working on the same project (well, not the same exact, but we are both making our own set of sleeves). She's already at the back. I have a bracelet. Can I help it if I have had to visit the frog pond? I just didn't like the way the first two attempts were working out and they were too big and baggy and just not right. I could have powered on and just made myself do it but in the end, don't I want to have something that I want to wear?! Yeah, that is what I thought.

So after work I am running up to Knit/Purl to get straight 4's for my friend. She suggested I get mine already, but I think I'd rather wait until I am closer (and get them from Sally at Close Knit). I have a long way to go...such a long way.

These are the sleeves I am wanting to wear on the plane to Hawaii in about two and a half months. I mean, in theory I can get it done no problem. BUT I have a few other things I'd like to have done to take with me to Hawaii (gifty things for people I love and we'll leave it at that because some of their eyes read this here blog). Their things won't take as long, once I figure out what it is I am making for them. That's half the problem really, figuring out what to make.

Ah well. With two and a half months...I'll be scrambling and finishing something up while I'm on the plane TO Hawaii. Better not be my sleeves.


Jack K. said...

I can hardly wait to see the sleeves.

Get them out of the way so we can see what we are getting while you finish the knitting on the plane.

Oops, that's right. We will be on separate planes.

Tee hee, giggle, lol

It won't be one of these smrug ( the WV for this comment), will it?

bronxbt said...

frog pond? awoo? do my babies have cousins down there in Portland?

hey, where are my socks!?


BTW, results from the fuzzie-vote are in... um... sorry...


shannon said...

no, dad you won't be getting a smrug (or a shrug...which ISN'T what I'm making myself).

Frog pond, B, as in rippit rippit rippit out. :)

bronxbt said...

sooooooo, how'd it go?