I wake up dizzy. Usually I figure it's a certain time of the month and I need to boost my iron. I'm not sure why I am dizzy today though...
I didn't drink to excess last night (three beers from a keg...of not such good beer...) over the course of many hours. And I ate while consuming those three.
I didn't sleep all that well, but I'm not sure why. Kev kind of snored last night, but not as much as normal after he drinks beer.
I have had my bagel and I'm on my second latte.
I'm trying to unpack the 14 gazillion cases of shoes I got in yesterday (I only have about 6 left now) but each time I look from packing list up to the shoes, I feel all swirly. I have decided to let my coworker (who is supposed to come in today for the sole reason of helping me unload) finish up. I got through over half of them yesterday so I feel as though I've done my part. I hope he's ready for a big day though because I have a few things in the back room that really need to be shifted around and organized better. From what he says, that's what he loves to do. We'll see if he's singing a different tune after he visits my stock room.
Okay, going to go try not to hurl all over everything...this is a new thing too, feeling nauseated while dizzy (no, I can't be pregnant, trust me).
well, that WAS my first thought.
perhaps yer electrolites are off. or below the scales of the "norms." next time you go in for a physical, have 'em do a full chemical run on yer levels of all yer goodness....
ONE thing off jes a wee bit can make a mess of ya, trust me.. i'm living proof.
You might have an inner ear infection. they always make me dizzy, and after a while that can make your tummy unhappy. Take care of yourself.
Hope it goes away quickly.
Feel better fast! That's an order.
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