Saturday, July 22, 2006

my name was almost whiny mcgee

Yeah, the A/C I raved about in yesterdays post...conked out this morning until 1:09. I seriously thought I was going to have to close up shop as the temperature inside was rising and rising (it got to about 83 INSIDE the store that kept filling up with people!!!). And then, after my boss came in and said there wasn't anything that he could do until Monday to have it fixed...and then he got in his car with A/C and drove away, it came to life. I think it got sick of my whining too.

It's still 78 in the store, but let me tell you, it feels MUCH better than 83!

In other news:

Time is standing still. There, I've said it. It's an odd phenomenon that most who work in the world of retail understand. Ten minutes feel like two days. I kid you not! You can not believe that only an hour has passed because it feels like next week already. And customers don't really help make the time pass any quicker. They simply make you want to gouge out your eyes when you realize you still have three and a half hours left. Well, not all customers make you feel that way, but most on these slow ass days do.

Okay, so maybe the title should have read: hello, my name is whiny mcgee. Ah well. Some days, you just have to have whine with your lunch.


Jack K. said...

Are you sure that retail is your forte?

Sounds as though you ought to be doing something other than retail, but what do I know. I make it up as I go along.

Tee hee. Chuckle, chortle, snerfle.(damn bronxbt's influence.) guffaw, snort, snerk shoofle. zweeble. gag.

k said...

like a parallel, but hotter universe: It was 118 degrees here yesterday... There was a huge dust storm/monsoon late in the afternoon. We lost power in the store for about 10 minutes, during which time 2 a/c specific breakers (of the four a/c units we use) tripped and the other 2 fuses blew. No a/c from about 4:15pm on. It got up to about 82 degrees in the store. not so much fun. I feel ya, hon!

bronxbt said...

i've found that a dash of whine with most meals works for me.

yer post cracked me up...

iv'e experienced the same loops in time and pauses in my parallel...

sweet. good to know i'm not alone...
