All along the fence, to the left in the photo, were where the devil weed was. I'm sure we'll be having issues in the future with it again, but hopefully not for a while.
I think my favorite part, besides having it done, was that we didn't actually kill each other during the process of this whole job. We bit a little, but we both were happy in the end with our results. We've kissed and made up. :)
(*and do they ever glide! Wonders what a level surface will do for that sliding action.)
Oh and in case you are wondering why the three posts? Blogger isn't letting me post more than one photo in a posting. So...thought I'd write it out in three posts and then publish them last to first. Let's see if it works. :)
The job looks beautiful, but how do we know that the floor is level? giggle. Oh yeah, the doors slide now. More giggles.
You did a great job. Little love nips are OK even on the job. Besides the kissing and making up is all part of the job. It's in the workers comp manual somewhere. lol
btw, I have yet to try since blogger has changed, but have you tried copying and pasting the html code for the photos?
I'll try it and let you know.
i love your name for that store. cracks me up, and dear gad are the ones in my neighborhood full of overly abundant misinformation! oi.
jack's trying to be all cool n stuff with his code "cut & pasting" fancy-schmancy stuff. But yesh, that does work. Not always tho. so much for following the rulz. the probs yer having i've mirrored on my somethin sketchy site.
oi again. yer shed-o-slidey-goodness rulz tho. good on yew two.
how do you think it got all screwed up? i totally tried cuting and pasting the whole shebang, so i could have the first post be in the third spot and the third in the first...
yeah, b, dad likes to get all fancy on me. :) and it IS a deephole. luckily, we made it out only with the supplies we needed. we didn't even have that many wood screws left over.
Well, I declare. Fancy, schmancy, huh?
If I were a robin I'd go out and eat worms.
Since I am not a robin, I think I'll settle for a Black Russian at aperitif time.
How is that for fancy, schmancy?
Love you guys.
PS: I hope Blogger can get its act together so you can post pics the way you want to post them.
mmm.shed. I wish I could go outside and work in our yard. It's just too darned hot. Maybe I'll piss off the neighbours and get up and do it at 4:30 while it's still below 90 degrees!
I never cease to be amazed at your 'get it done-i-tive-ness'. I can never convince R to do these projects with me. Tell me how you do it with Kev!
mmm.shed. I wish I could go outside and work in our yard. It's just too darned hot. Maybe I'll piss off the neighbours and get up and do it at 4:30 while it's still below 90 degrees!
I never cease to be amazed at your 'get it done-i-tive-ness'. I can never convince R to do these projects with me. Tell me how you do it with Kev!
Never underestimate the power of gliding.
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