I sometimes have the ability to say things that really upset people without knowing what I'm saying upsets them. Personally, I believe that it is their choice to be upset. I try not to say mean and hurtful things on purpose. It's really not in my character. So when someone tells me that the words I write here have upset them, I also choose to be upset. I never call people names. I never say that X is stoopid. I might say I disagree or am "horrified" (to use a word in the previous post) by their actions or lack of actions, but that is my right as a human being.
However, I will not remove things I have posted if asked (nobody has asked, just fyi) if I feel 100% about what I've written. This is MY place to get things off my mind, and honestly, I hold back quite a bit because I don't want to upset anyone. Part of me feels that maybe I shouldn't hold back all the way. I mean, who reads this thing anyway?
I know at least one person does, and for some reason she feels the need send the link to people whom she knows will be affected, knowing it is going to make the person choose to be upset. And by doing this SHE is really the hurtful person, but she makes it look as though the person doing the writing, in this case me, is the hurtful and wrong person. She is "simply passing along information" the other person "may find interesting." Does that make any sense?
It makes me sad for person B (I'm A and the hurt one is C). She obviously is lacking something in her life that makes her feel the need to strike out against others and bring a feeling of unease to them.
I will admit, I was full of rage when I learned that she'd done it again. Then, I banned her butt (yes, animal list drama) and got over it. You see, I have friends in real life (as well as cyber) who know that the internet isn't the be all end all. I have friends whom I've met online and even though I've not yet met them in person, would call them a friend. I also have a list of people I've met online whom I don't trust (most of you reading, not on that list). I like the adage, keep your friends close and your enemies closer (although in retrospect I've just done the opposite at the list...but it was house keeping and it really needed to be done). I don't like having enemies though.
Good for you! You go, girl!
Your dear old dad learned the hard way. Just ask your sister. It was my fault and I hit the publish key instead of the delete key.
A cyber-friend in another country is having worse difficulties due to previous posts. There is a pending law suit. The CF has deleted the original blog. I am going to reference this posting of yours to CF for moral support.
shanny - you may want to inconspicously (sp?) detail what's actual going on... i'm confoozed.
you got censored? did someone ask you to delete a previous post? too many squoosh stories? wha-happened?
either way, yesh... name calling is a horrible thing. unfortunately it's also a very easy thing to do. most do it unconsciously and without thought of it's effects.
anyhoo... still confoozed, but then again, mr puddins is beggin' for a bellie rub, so i'm out!
people never cease to amaze me. it's not as though you named any names--I doubt that most of the people who read your blog had ANY idea of whom you were speaking. At any rate, good for you for having the...ovaries?...to rid this small-minded person from your cyber world!
just as an aside, my word to verify today is "pizpo". :)
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