Tuesday, May 16, 2006

no spelling errors found!

I got to thinking today, about the friends whom we have never met. In the world of cyberspace it's much easier to meet people. It can be rewarding and wonderful and you can meet some really amazing people. I consider Reagan in Ohio to be quite a good friend. Someone whom I would call if I'd just gotten into an accident. Someone whose voice is familiar to me and brings me comfort. Someone whose interactions with her animals never ceases to make me smile. And someone who will call me in the middle of the night because there is a possum in her garage and she keeps opening the door and freaking herself out each and every time. Causing me to laugh and laugh and laugh.

I think about other people I've met and I realize that each and every one of them have offered me something. Sometimes ways are parted abruptly and other times they just fade away like the end of a sad song. And then there are the times where lovely friendships blossom. And each one has offered me something. Sometimes it is just hard to figure out what you were learning until some time has passed.


bronxbt said...

you rawk.
no spehling errers here fer shore.

i may be a agnostic pagen bastard, but damned if i'm not blessed to have met you, jack, adrianne and many others thru the miracle of cyberspace.

hell, just this AM i was sitting in my office, (like now) and suddenly my wifee, from a business trip in AMSTERDAM pinged me via Instant messenger to say "I love you..."

wow. talk about reaching out and touching someone's heart.

hugs to you and yours

FemaleCSGradStudent said...

I wonder what category I fit in. Maybe the friendship that's like a quiet, yet annoying buzzing sound.


Jack K. said...

Ah, Grasshopper, you are learning well.

Others cross our paths for various reasons, some we will never know. But you are right to try to discover the lesson, if there is one. Sometimes, it may just be a check-in. It is great to be able to think of these opportunities in this way.

Love you,


shannon said...

b- when wifee getting back? soon i hope.

fgs- you are held dear to my heart, even though i totally suck at sending you, the busy grad student, fun things in the mail...

dad-namaste, sensei.

stacy said...

It is good to know you have such awesome friends and welllll I do consider you one of my closest :) I most certainly would call you if I had an animal in my garage..wish you were there when the chipmunk got IN the house...should share that with Reagan HAHA!

Love ya sooo much

Jack K. said...

I find it absolutely wonderful that you are willing to chase an animal out of someone else's garage, but had difficulty with spiders in your room. My how the times have changed.

Love you,

