Saturday, May 27, 2006

back to the norm

Well, both Simon and Josie are happy Pops is home. The three of them are all snug in bed. I'm ready for work, just waiting for 10 minutes to pass so that I can go stand and wait for my bus. It's so nice having Kev home. Chloe is even more playful this morning than she was all week. The balance is right in the world again.

I'm steadily working on baby hat #3. I decided to take it on the bus with me this morning because usually Saturday morning buses are empty and if I have the cables flying around, I won't hit anyone. We'll see though. It's going to be the tiniest and cutest hat I've ever made. I am hoping by Monday I have it big enough to try on some fairly newbie baby's beans (it's what I've taken to calling their heads). I'm going to totally rock it today and tomorrow and borrow Sonja's babies. :) She won't mind, Jenn does it often...I mean, we don't have babies of our own, so... Plus, Sonja knits and understands the necessity of trying on hats and things as you go along.

Okay, time has come. I know, fascinating post, no?


Jack K. said...

Yes. It is fascinating.

Adrianne said...

I enjoyed it! And I understnad the need to try on baby stuff while it is still in prgress.