Friday, March 17, 2006

he likes it, he really likes it!

So I have just gotten done showing Ahmed what I've done to the shops site (would that have an 's?). He was really impressed. He suggested a couple of things, one of which I knew he would and am cursing myself for not doing it in the first place...oh well. The rest, he just loves. He is excited about the new banner I am creating for the top of the page. He is just really impressed, from what he told me. I had such a good time, even though I was on the computer for close to 12 hours straight. He was amazed by that. I think he now knows why I wanted to play with the site and trusts me to play even more (I'm probably close to halfway done).

Okay, back to lunch.


bronxbt said...

so you're awesome at this stuff... you post about touting your goodies, and yet you provide no link?

what the hell?
Be proud of your stuff and share!

bronxbt said...

and a good morning to you Shanny - thanks for your comments on my blog.

I didn't know you and Kev were hitting Hawaii too!? Did we talk about that! SWEET!


Jack K. said...
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