Woke at 7:30 to the quiet. I'd kicked Simon out. He is always quiet for a little while then he starts shaking the door. I push a gallon beer jug filled with coins up against it, but he's one strong little cat. When he's quiet for a little while, after the song and dance and shaking the door, I get up to feed them.
I putzed around the house for a little bit, ate a bagel, drank a latte, and fixed the banner on one of the pages of the site for work. All this before 8:30.
I got ready and took Kev to work. I went to Wallgreens and got the Benadryl we will need for Josie for the next 6 weeks (Dr. M is thinking allergy and will check her in 6 weeks). I stopped by Stumptown for coffee and headed to the kids location to take photos of kids Merrells. Got a few great shots, even one of a cute little boy wearing a frog backpack that we sell (he ended up getting it). Will save that shot for a future ad (since I'll be doing them for the next 18 months!).
Spent some time with Abdul at our shop next door (the regular, "big kids" store). We said our goodbyes (tomorrow is his last day).
I called my friend Linsel and we went to lunch. Lovely little Italian place within walking distance of his house. It was quite nice to get out and walk a bit (even if it was in the rain). I got Kev the same thing I had, Penne Putanesca, and took Linsel to his buddy's house over by where we live.
Ran to Kev's work so he could bring me home and have the car tonight at work.
Built an ad for the magazine. Finished writing up two orders and paring down one other. Have loaded all the images onto the computer for adding more to the site (adding a "limited edition" section to one of the brands).
I've now eaten dinner and just have a couple of things to do on the afore mentioned site. Looking forward to not having to pick up Kev tonight at work and getting to hang in my jammies all night with my trio of animal friends.
Might try getting in touch with my Ohio friend...
Checked the web site out. The limited editions site looked awesome. I like your photos much better than those provided by the shoe company.
I also liked the way you camouflaged the back light reflection. All of the shoes show much better this way.
I wouldn't know if jammies rule or not. I'll take your word for it. I am partial to my sweat pants and new robe. They are only good for cool weather.
Keep an eye on Josie and give her another hug from me.
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