Tuesday, February 14, 2006

yeah, he is a cat

Crazy Simon

In case I've not told you before, Simon likes to be vacuumed...if the video shows up, you'll believe me.


Chickie said...

That is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

bronxbt said...


Jack K. said...

Just remember to keep the duster brush on. It is good to see that Simon was not too traumatized by the previous experience without the brush.

Anonymous said...

I've never had the urge to vacuum an animal... until now. Seriously. I want to vacuum your cat.

PlazaJen said...

That is astonishing & hysterical. My dogs would break my legs & all the furniture in a five-mile radius if I tried to do that to them!!!!!

shannon said...

We learned he liked being vacuumed by accident. I was cleaning out some dresser drawers, pulling each out etc. He jumped up into one of the empty slots. I figured I'd scare him out of it. Nope, I simply vacuumed his belly and he jumped out for more.

He's nuts!

k said...

so, um...yeah....how do you do the video thing? cos that's nearly as cool as your vacuum-lovin' beastie!