I woke this morning with the knowledge that it was going to be a really cold day. I actually fell asleep last night knowing that it was going to be really cold today. I got up to go feed the crew. Mr. Tree Frog (our thermometer) hanging on the sliding door in the kitchen tells me it's 23ยบ out there. WHAT?!?! And, it's windy (Mr. TF didn't tell me that, my keen sense of deduction did...what, there was recycling from the neighbors flitting about). So, there was a wind chill that was not known. All I knew was it was going to be one cold wait for the bus. Josie doesn't seem to mind the cold and wind, she's perfectly content with going outside and staying out there for what seems like a much longer time than normal. Because I don't want to leave her out there when I jump in the shower I am forced to wait until her little booty is ready to come back in. Also, because I want to foster this feeling of "outside is good!" in her, I don't want to call her in. When she finally bounces back to the door I can get my day really going. I had already made the executive decision that I would wear the warmest sweater I own. It's a crazy, chunky turtleneck that at one point was way too warm for me. Now, it's perfect in this weather! I get all cleaned up and dressed, hair done, make up on...and then, I have to say goodbye to the man who is all warm and snug in bed with a dog at one hip and a cat at the other so I can go stand outside in the brutal windy cold morning. Jerks.
I walk outside, my snot...freezes in my nose. Gross, I know, BUT that is the kind of cold it gets in Kansas!!! Not Oregon. WTF?!? I proceed to walk to the bus (against the wind) and when I get to the stop I do a mini calisthenics class all by myself. People are driving by looking at me and mouthing the words, "are you cold?" Gee, no, I'm just multitasking and getting in some cardio as I wait for the bus. Which I guess I kind of was, but not for that reason was I jumping around like a goon. I was cold!!!
Today as people enter the store and I greet them with my normal, "Hi! How are you today?" The answers have all been the same. "COLD!"
Now, I'm not trying to complain, I'm really not. It just caught us off guard. I do have to say that at least it's sunny here! There is that. I can deal with the cold as long as the sun is shining. The wind, that I could live without.
Isn't it about 1000 times harder to get out the door when it's cold out and everyone is all snugged up in bed? On those days, I'm thisclose to just calling in sick.
at least, chickie, at least.
someone is home, dog is barking...either that or a bird farted.
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