This morning I woke to an odd glow in the air. It was, the sun. Let me remind you, I live in Portland, OR. It is supposed to be misty right now, or what the weather folks here call rain. Last week it poured. The skies opened up and dumped on our heads. Gorgeous, big, wet, round rain drops. Real rain. People were confused. They had no idea what this was. I told them, "It's Kansas sized rain!" A few simply looked at me with a polite smile and took many steps back. And others knew what I meant and knew that this, this is rain.
I kind of miss the mist really. It brings sliminess to our deck, yes, but it also makes our new dogwood tree happy. Perhaps you remember the picture of the littlest tree? (I just got sucked into my own blog archives...looking for a picture and then I remembered it was on the old site, which is now no longer up and running) Anyway, that littlest tree, which is now baren of it's leaves, loves the mist!
People love this weather at this time of the year, the sun. I, on the other hand, really do feel as though I am home because I long for the mists....sigh.
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