when stressed, try this:
take a nice deep breath in, count to three or four, let it out slowly, counting to the same number. keep breathing with inhale matching exhale in length. see how it makes you feel. do this for five breaths. feel better?
i do.
If you want to add some "Punch" to this breathing exercise, hold the inhale and the exhale for the same count, i.e. inhale, hold, exhale, hold, four or five times. The results will amaze you.
I recommend this technique to my real estate students at test time. It is amazing how much better the brain works when it is properly oxygenated. The exercise does wonders for centering and calming one.
Yes, we do that in "class". I'm not as fond of the holding during the exhale as I an when holding the inhale. In fact last time Diana had us do this she didn't have us hold on the exhale.
There are many variations. You will find the one that suits you at the moment.
Love ya.
A friend of mine recently suggested this one:
Inhale deeply and exhale through your mouth completely and mentally say "I let go".
This morning I tried Inhaling while visualizing love, compassion and patience and while exhaling I blew out negativity, anxiety and anger.
I've tried that before. I just can't do it. I can't just "let things go" and breathe calmly and cooly and de-stress because when I try to NOT think about whatever is stressing me out, I end up thinking about it more and then, well, it's all down hill from there.
Also, does anyone else have problems trying to figure out the letters that Blogger wants you to type into the little word verification box? Sometimes their J's look like I's and I always type the wrong one so then I get a whole slew of NEW letters to type. Crap, Shannon, this sucks. ;-)
I think I just hyperventilated.
In high school, we did this lung-capacity thing. My brother, who had graduated 6 or 7 years prior, held the record in our school for lung capacity. (I almost said "lunch capacity," which may also have been true. hee) I didn't outdo my brother, but I was like half a centiliter (or some such thing) below him. I wonder if our numbers still stand at #1 and 2. (And I was a smoker, even back then. How's that for amazing?)
Anyway, my breathing evens out when I can relax. However, I can't really relax through breathing.
yeah, the letters do suck bek, but the spammers suck even more. :)
i used to be like that too, not wanting to let things go. then i found yoga and what it really can do for me.
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