Wednesday, October 26, 2005

my dog, she's part cat

Ever since I walked in the house with my knitting (snicker snicker...I really can't call it that, it looks like a ball of yarn vomited on a couple of sticks right now), anyway, ever since coming home with the ball of yarn and the knitting needles the dog, she's gotten more insane (I never thought it could really happen, but lo and behold, it has). She follows me around as though she is attached to my hip when I am carrying my work to the sofa (or anywhere in the house) to attempt to work on. Nose, in the way. Eyes, full of excitement and expectation. I really don't know why she's enamored with knitting. I'm kind of wondering if I took it to the park with me, could it be strong enough to hold her attention? Does she want a ball of yarn to play with? Is she really part cat?


Chickie said...

She is ready to kill your knitting project as soon as she finds it unattended.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Chickie. Josie probably just wants to PLAY with it. And by PLAY I mean "rip to shreds."

Adrianne said...

Once you get knitting figured out, you can teach me. Then I can teach you how to crochet. Once you get the hang of knitting, I'm sure ou'll love it. Give Josie your first project, maybe than she'll leave the others alone.

PlazaJen said...

I bet she's trying to figure out if your hands are going to stay occupied (not petting her) or if it's a passing fad..... Polly's part cat, too. She pounces at things with both paws!

shannon said...

chickie- i am soooo worried i'll space something fabulous (when i am finally making things that would be considered fabulous) and she'll go to town.

bekah- shreds. don't like shreds.

adrianne- yeah, i don't want to encourage her though. once she gets a taste of ripping knitted items apart she may become hooked. plus i want to keep my first attempt so i can look back and giggle.

plazajen- if i were to set the knitting down and walk away, she wouldn't follow just for my hands. she'd grab the ball of yarn and bolt. i'm pretty sure that polly is the one of your two that is the spitting image of josie...we'll have to compare sometime.